Monday, September 7, 2009


Putting together a working story should be complex in structure maybe not in content but definitely in structure. Last class we made our own sequel to the Three Little Pigs, and we where made aware through a quick exercise that gave us first hand experience as two the many technicalities that come up when developing a story. The audience is more than one person, adn thus your story needs to be viewable from multiple perspectives. This is necessary so that through your story, everyone has an opportunity to be lead through the same path with trust and comfort in what brought them into your story in the first place. Something that is obviously desired in a more commercial setting but is what makes a good film as well.

Even if the story has a direct representation of you, you need to understand and feed everyone a seemingly personal a unique piece that is eventually leads to the same place which should be your punch line or your whole plot point. Again, those awful snuggies assured that even the most lame of lame people can seem normal under a snuggie. What is going to be worse is when poeple actually start wearing those in public. they are going to become the next Moomoo.

c'mon america, say no to snuggies.

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